Hairball Awareness

It is normal for a cat to have hairballs occasionally. However, if they are regular and constant, problems can arise. They can block a cat's intestinal tract, which would mean they couldn't either vomit or excrete them. 

Some tips in order to prevent the amount of hairballs from your cat are;

  1.  GroomingThis is the best way to decrease the amount of hairballs. By grooming your cat, you decrease the amount that they have to groom themselves. 
  2. Fiber: Either set out some cat grass, or purchasing food that specifically contains more fiber.
  3. Laxatives: These or other similar products will make it much easier for your cat to pass hairballs through their digestive system.
  4. Water: Whilst just being good for your cat to be consuming plenty of water, it assists the breaking down and passing through of hairballs also.